
Poll: Half of WA Healthcare Workers Likely to Quit
Forty-nine percent of healthcare workers in Washington said they are “likely to leave the healthcare profession in the next few years.” Among those who said they were likely to leave, 68% said short-staffing was one of their primary reasons.

WA Healthcare Workers Take Fight for Safe Staffing Standards Back to Olympia
Today a coalition of healthcare workers relaunched the WA Safe + Healthy campaign, heading back to Olympia to urge legislators to pass safe staffing standards to address the worsening hospital staffing crisis.

Statement from Safe Staffing Coalition on HB 1868
Today the WA Safe + Healthy coalition (SEIU Healthcare 1199NW, UFCW 3000, and the Washington State Nurses Association) released the following joint statement on the state Senate failing to pass safe staffing standards for healthcare workers:

House Passes Healthcare Safe Staffing Standards Bill
HB 1868 would create safe staffing standards for healthcare workers in Washington hospitals, protecting healthcare workers from dangerously high patient loads and ensuring patients get the timely, quality care they deserve.

WA Voters Overwhelmingly Support Safe Staffing Standards
Public polling shows Washington voters support establishing safe staffing standards for Washington healthcare workers by an overwhelming 3-1 margin, including a supermajority among every political party.
New Research Supports Safe Staffing Standards for WA Hospitals
A definitive new report on 30 years of research on nurse staffing levels decisively supports the case for Washington lawmakers to pass safe staffing standards.

Hospitals Paid Out $120+ Million in Executive Pay as Healthcare Workers Struggle Under Staffing Crisis
WA Hospital Executives Received $20 Million in Pandemic Bonuses Alone
“Necessary to Provide Adequate Care for Patients” - WA House Committee Hears Testimony on Safe Staffing Bill
Almost 1,600 Washington healthcare workers, patients, and patient advocacy organizations signed in in support of the safe staffing bill – more than double the number of people who signed in in opposition.

Lawmakers Introduce Healthcare Safe Staffing Standards Legislation
Bipartisan legislation will begin to finally address the hospital staffing crisis by making healthcare workers’ jobs safer and more manageable.

Healthcare Workers Launch Campaign for Safe Staffing Legislation
As half of healthcare workers report they’re likely to quit, new coalition campaign calls on lawmakers to address the statewide hospital staffing crisis.